3 Signs That Your Residential Cloth Dryer Needs Repair

Like most household appliances, your clothes dryer might get faulty and need repair after years of use. Usually, most of these issues result from wear and tear and are easy to fix. You'll need a residential dryer repair expert to help you repair and maintain your machine. But how do you know it's time to call the repair experts?

Here are some cues that your dryer needs repair.

1. Clothes Don't Dry, or They Take Unusually Long To Dry

A cloth dryer should function fast to dry your clothes before you take them out. The dryer allows proper air circulation in your clothes as they tumble and removes the damp air through the vent pipe. The machine has a timer where you can set the drying period, after which your clothes should come out completely dry. If you notice that the clothes are still damp when the set time lapses, your machine could be broken.

The common causes for such a problem include the following:

  • Obstruction in the air vents
  • Failed components
  • Broken thermostat

If the outlet vents in the machine have dirt clogs, they will limit the amount of damp air getting out, causing it to flow back into your clothes. Thus, your clothes will still be wet after a full drying cycle. Call a residential cloth dryer repair expert to check the lint trap and vent hose for any blockage. The expert can also check other components in the machine for damage and repair or replace them.

They can also check the heating element in your machine and the thermostats to ensure you set them to the right temperatures. 

2. Unusual Noises When In Operation

If you're drying heavy clothing with buttons and zippers, you can expect banging sounds as the clothes tumble. However, loud thumps, squeals, or screeches in the machine are unusual and could indicate a malfunctioning machine. The noises could mean an unstable drum due to broken components or a worn-out support roller. The noise could also result from a worn-out bearing at the back of the drum.

Other causes of the loud noises are:

  • A broken dryer motor
  • Worn-out motor bearings
  • A loose pulley

Fortunately, a residential cloth dryer repair expert can resolve most of these issues. The expert will assess your machine for broken components and repair or replace them for better functionality. They will also share some maintenance tips to help you care for it.

3. Burning Smells When You Use the Machine

A burning smell from your machine is a red flag. Thus, switch it off immediately after you notice the smell. It could result from faulty electric flow, which is a fire and safety hazard for your home. However, there could be different causes for the smell, including the following:

  • Lint build-up in the motor, heating element, and the walls of your dryer
  • A broken thermostat that causes overheating
  • The belt melts on the heating element

Once you switch off your dryer, call a repairs expert to check and fix the cause of the burning smells. For more information on residential dryer repair, contact a professional near you.

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When down time is not an option

Household appliances are central to our every day living, and yet we often take them for granted. Like most technology we only realize how much we use them when they are broken. Laundry piles up, dishes take over the kitchen, or everything in the refrigerator has to be eaten before it goes bad. Knowing a fast, reliable appliance service company relieves some of the stress that happens when a key appliance breaks. It doesn't take much effort to talk to an appliance service company or two when nothing needs fixing, but if you wait until something stops working it will seem to take forever. Be proactive, and find a reliable appliance service company for your needs before you are in trouble.