Is Your Dryer Damaged? 4 Signs You Need Appliance Repair Services

Have you ever put clothes in your dryer only for the clothes to come out wet after the cycle? Or does your dryer produce a burning smell when you switch it on? In such cases, the worst thing you can do is ignore the problem hoping it will go away. A broken dryer can damage your clothes and pose serious risks of electrocution or fires. So, it is important to understand the signs that your dryer needs repair to call the experts on time.

Here are four indications that you need dryer repair services. 

1. Loud Noises

It is not unusual for your dryer to make noises when running, especially if your load includes clothes with zippers or shoes. But after using your appliance for a while, you will understand the normal sounds it produces. So, when you start noticing unusual sounds like squealing, rattling, scraping, or thumping, it means something wrong. For instance, it could be that the bearing needs replacing, the belt is loose, or your drum's out of alignment. Since it is not easy to pinpoint the source of these noises without experience, it is best to call an appliance repair technician to deal with the issue.

2. Longer Drying Times

Have you noticed that your clothes take longer to dry than when you first bought your dryer? Though it is easy to assume your appliance is getting older, there might be a deeper issue. For example, it could be that your dryer vent is compromised, the sensor is broken, or it has an electrical problem. So, instead of leaving your clothes in the dryer for longer, call appliance repair professionals to fix the problem.

3. Burning Smell

Dryers often produce a burning smell when running because of buildup in the lint trap. However, if you have been cleaning your lint trap regularly, you might be dealing with a damaged thermostat, a melting drive belt, or a broken dryer hose. Note that ignoring such burning smells could put you at risk of experiencing fires. Fortunately, an appliance repair technician can fix these issues without exposing you to danger.

4. Drum Not Spinning

Since the dryer relies on the drum spinning to get water off your clothes, it won't do its job without this spinning action. Though you may assume that you need a new dryer when this happens, sometimes minor repairs from the experts are all you need. Common problems that might prevent the drum from spinning include a worn-out drum bearing, a damaged drive motor, or a broken drive belt.

A defective dryer can make your laundry days frustrating. Therefore, it is important to understand the signs that you need dryer repair to call the professionals on time. Some common signs of a broken dryer include a burning smell, loud noises, the drum not spinning, and longer drying times. Fortunately, appliance repair experts can handle these issues quickly to restore your machine's efficiency. 

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When down time is not an option

Household appliances are central to our every day living, and yet we often take them for granted. Like most technology we only realize how much we use them when they are broken. Laundry piles up, dishes take over the kitchen, or everything in the refrigerator has to be eaten before it goes bad. Knowing a fast, reliable appliance service company relieves some of the stress that happens when a key appliance breaks. It doesn't take much effort to talk to an appliance service company or two when nothing needs fixing, but if you wait until something stops working it will seem to take forever. Be proactive, and find a reliable appliance service company for your needs before you are in trouble.